Saturday, January 24, 2015

Chris Hunt

Chris Hunt is the Account Executive of Membership Sales for the Charlotte Hornets.

What are your responsibilities and how do your responsibilities integrate with marketing and business objectives for the organization or clients?

My responsibilities are to make 80 outbound calls daily, complete 3 face-to-face appointments with potential clients per week both in and out of my office and produce as much revenue as possible while representing the team in professional manner.  We deal directly with the team’s marketing plan because we are ultimately the people speaking directly with our clients.  The fans do business with us and voice their complaints as well as opinions to the sales staff the majority of the time.  Due to the fact that we are the “voice” of organization, we have to follow and be informed on all marketing initiatives that the team is executing.

What methods of communication does the organization use to reach their publics and how are they effective?

We reach the public with face-to-face interaction, phone calls, social media, all facets of traditional media, email and season ticket holder and partial plan polls for performance both on the court and in the office.  These methods are extremely popular and successful for the team.

What are some example of communications strategies you have used to achieve success and what were the results?

One of the main communication strategies the team uses is email blast.  We have hundreds of thousands of fans in our database that we can send info about current initiatives and offers to instantly.

How has their public relations practice affected the reputation of the organization and clients?

Our PR department is the one that communicate the message to the media and handle player interviews and questioning.  They control, to a certain extent, the public perception of team within the media.

Thank you Chris Hunt for your time answering the questions.  Have a great day and enjoy your career with the Charlotte Hornets.


Justin Farrow

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